Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

This Week in Westbourne


05 July 2024

This week in Nursery the girls have been continuing the summer theme and also looking at holidays. The display table featured aeroplanes, cameras, sunhats, a unicorn swimming ring and even an inflatable palm tree. They tasted different flavours of ice cream and had a vote on their favourite flavour - chocolate was the winner!

They were busy in other areas of the curriculum too. In PE they practised games in preparation for the sports activity morning on Thursday whilst in music they learned some new songs and recapped the notation previously taught. They also played the fishing for initial sounds game and had to be the first to match the items on our board to be the winner.

Despite the change in the weather, Kindergarten girls have been talking about summer too! They've been singing "Rain, Rain, Go Away," but it does not seem to have made a difference. The girls discussed how to stay safe in the sun and selected items they would pack in their suitcases for a holiday. They also enjoyed creating sunshine mobiles using excellent cutting skills and creative collage. The Kindergarten girls all enjoyed their final balanceability and swimming lessons of the term. Each child has progressed so well, and we are very proud of them all. The highlight of this week was definitely sports day!

Reception's Swimming Showcase took place last Friday and parents were invited to come and watch. This event, organised to demonstrate the progress and skills the young swimmers have acquired over the term, was a delightful spectacle for the proud parents in attendance. Swimming teachers guided the pupils through basic swimming techniques, including floating and kicking. The whole session went smoothly and the finale was to swim in a circle moving to the 'Ring a Ring a roses' song. All pupils took part and had a wonderful time.  
Teamwork was on the agenda in the Outdoor area this week for girls in Reception who learnt how to keep the parachute moving whilst following instructions to switch places. There was much excitement when they were asked to keep a ball up in the air and their squeals of laughter echoed all around.  

In the classroom, continuing with the theme of Creatures Great and Small, for one of the final Art sessions in Reception, pupils have made 3D ladybirds. The class butterflies were also set free to fly away outside but before they did, some landed on pupils’ hands and arms. This caused much amusement. When one of the photographs was posted on Seesaw a parent replied, "I got teary watching the collage and thought the girls are like the butterflies and will be saying goodbye to Westbourne soon." How relevant to this time of the year. 

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