Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Welcome Back and News from Prep


12 March 2021

Lockdown did nothing to dampen World Book Day celebrations in Prep at the end of last week!  Girls checked in for their online learning with their World Book Day selfie and our live lessons, via Zoom, continued complete with costumes, hats, props and books!  We all enjoyed sharing our favourite books, both in Westbourne and Prep.

We were all very excited to have the whole Prep School, from Nursery to Year 6, back at school at the start of this week and when the girls arrived they definitely had not forgotten to pack something very important ... their smiles!  At EHS Everyone Has Smiles.  This has been the focus for the week.

Monday brought another reason to celebrate.  This time we marked the achievements of women all over the world on International Women’s Day.  As this week is also British Science Week, we chose a number of female scientists as our focus.  Girls were encouraged to find out more about scientists such as Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Aisha Elsafty, Dr Hayat Al Sindi, Tu Youyou and Kusala Rajendran amongst others, who had all faced challenges as they followed their chosen careers.

Whilst celebrating the achievements of women we have also been preparing for Mother’s Day with girls considering how they are going to make the day special on Sunday.  We look forward to hearing more about their actions next week.

It has certainly been a busy week in this country as, in addition to the special days already mentioned, it is also waste week and it was therefore appropriate that our Eco Reps have held their first meeting of the term.  They are busy preparing to mark Earth Day and we look forward to their assembly.

During the week, girls have been reminded about procedures and routines in place to keep everyone safe.  We have been reminded of the need to wash our hands well and to use sanitiser safely by Supreeta, who designed a colourful and informative poster.  These are now on display in school.

We’ve ended the week with our Celebration Assembly.  The biggest reason to celebrate is being back together as a school community, which we have really enjoyed.  We also say a huge well done to Ciara in Year 2 who has very generously donated all of her pocket money savings to help vaccinate children in poorer countries.  She recognises, “We’re not safe, until we’re all safe.”  We are very proud of Ciara.

We look forward to next week and the start of a number of our co-curricular activities.

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