Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
What's on in Westbourne
05 November 2021
The girls enjoyed half term but the smiling faces on arrival at school on Monday morning showed they were happy to be back at school. A busy week has certainly followed.
On Monday, girls in Reception joined Mrs Hartley for her ‘Headteacher’s Half Hour’ session. This week they talked about firework safety and then wrote a year group poem using vocabulary associated with fireworks.
The girls have also practised their Mathematics skills by decorating cakes and then counting the decorations to complete some calculations. They worked well together on developing their communication skills by discussing the flavour of the foods they tasted and have made beautiful stars to consolidate the learning of the ‘ar’ sound.
In Nursery, it has been orange week with another varied range of opportunities. They began by sharing the Autumn treasures they had collected during the break. Rummaging in the leaves gave many opportunities for vocabulary extension.
They were able to sort other items by selecting the orange ones and then used their fine motor skills to add decorations to pumpkin pictures. A very popular activity was scooping out the flesh of the pumpkin and experimenting with the squelchy texture.
All girls were able to celebrate the festival of Diwali in the beyond the curriculum day on Wednesday and enjoyed learning many new skills.
What's on in Westbourne
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