Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

What's on in Westbourne


04 March 2022

The girls have enjoyed the two special days this week which have given the opportunity to extend their learning beyond the curriculum. Pancake Day and World Book Day have been celebrated with practical activities and dressing up. The girls also shared favourite books with each other. These were in addition to finding out more about hippos in the Discovery Den. 

The featured rhyme in Nursery this week was Sing a Song of Sixpence. This involved investigating the curiosity cube and washing the clothes and hanging them on the line. Like the king and queen in the rhyme they sorted bronze, silver and gold coins before making rubbings using metallic wax crayons.  They also made bread and honey sandwiches and made and decorated some regal crowns.

In Kindergarten this week, the letter sound focus has been on h and the girls have been practising writing the letter h in a range of ways. They read the story of ‘Mrs Honey’s Hat’ which offered the opportunity to design some new hats and Kipper was given some new hair-dos. In Maths, they have compared weights using balance scales, looking at heavy and light and shape has also been studied in a variety of contexts. Bubble wrap was used to create beehives and houses were designed using different shapes having looked at the types of houses the girls live in.

Reception girls have continued with their Gardens and Growing topic this week and have created their own Hyacinth pictures.  The girls spent a great deal of time and effort creating their collage pictures.  They almost look real and certainly brighten up the classroom. Prani in R5 did some seed sorting at home and brought her picture in to show everyone. The girls had their first taste at Instruction Writing this week and wrote how to plant a bean. The next step is to plant their own beans in the outdoor classroom and watch them grow.

Pancake Day provided further opportunities for learning. In Nursery, they read the story of Mama Panya’s pancakes which is set in Kenya. They made her type of pancakes which were different to the ones they ate at lunch. They did not have eggs in and they had cardamom and chili flakes in. Kindergarten girls used play dough to create pancakes, ordered numbered pancakes and counted the ingredients needed to make pancakes. They looked for letter sound pancakes in the outdoor area and used them to make words. They of course made pancakes and enjoyed flipping them too!

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