Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Words from Westbourne


25 June 2021

In Nursery this week the girls have been preparing for the holiday ahead by talking about Summer.  Mrs Hartley started the week by sharing the contents of her summer holiday suitcase during assembly.  It contained all the essentials for being prepared for the sun and warmer weather. The girls then planted sunflower seeds and learnt how to look after them. They also set up a playdough ice cream station where they made their own ice cream cones.

Kindergarten girls have been learning about the letter X. They have made X formations on whiteboards and worked with number bonds to 10 using funny bones.  Cutting and sticking animal skeletons and making x-ray fish also provided some enjoyable activities.

The girls in Reception have been learning to count groups of coins. They have been working on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to help with this.  It is clear they are enjoying their Mathematics lessons.

A highlight for all of the girls in Westbourne, from Nursery to Reception, was a Bhangra Tots workshop on Wednesday including dance and storytelling.  This was run by Sohan Kailey who came to Westbourne to help the girls wiggle, giggle and dance. It was a fun and exciting way for the girls to learn about Bhangra dancing through interactive storytelling and creative movements. They went on a magic carpet ride to India where they dug the soil, planted the seeds and celebrated the harvest with joy all through Bhangra dance movements! 

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