Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

A visitor from the Stone Age


19 October 2017

The Stone Age Workshop was a very informative day for the girls in Year 1. They discovered that people did not only live in caves but were also nomadic and took their homes with them on their journeys. These homes would have been tents made from animal skins, mammoth tusks and wood. The people of the time would follow their food, so wherever the animals went they followed.

One of the highlights was Mr Trevor dressing in real Stone Age attire made up of furs. He wore a lot of clothes as it would have been very cold at that time.

The children also looked at real artefacts from the Stone Age and handled tools and weapons used which were made from the natural materials they could find. These were mainly stone, bones, antlers and wood - there was no metal or plastic! The girls also enjoyed the opportunity to sketch these ancient items.

This was a great introduction to the topic on homes in the past, giving the girls an insight into life in the Stone Age.

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