Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Year 3 Monet Day
19 June 2020
In the Summer Term, the students in Year 3 traditionally spend a whole day creating a work of art in the style of Claude Monet. This year was no exception,
although because of our distance learning the day contained a range of challenges.
After taking part in an online workshop learning about Impressionism and the tache or touch techniques used by Monet the girls looked at a selection of his paintings, the
girls were then asked to select one to recreate starting with the background and then adding effects. The resulting works of art were very effective.
In addition to art work the girls listened to Katie and the Waterlilies, completed a comprehension, some Monet Maths and an extension activity to plan a Monet garden
calculating the area of the various features. The girls also had the option to complete a word search, a word mat and a Claude Monet acrostic.
The girls clearly enjoyed the range of activities and were delighted by their creations.
Monet Day
Click image for full view