Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Year 6 Get to Grips with TinkerCAD
07 July 2023
Year 6 visited the DT Department in Senior School for a 3D printer talk and demonstration. Mr Ford and Miss Jukes got to hear what models each class had been creating using TinkerCAD. Each class voted for their favourite model and that student had it printed using the 3D printer.
The groups found out lots of things about 3D printers, including how they work, who uses them and what materials they can use. They were interested to learn that they can be used to print bespoke medical implants, aeroplane parts and you can even get specialist 3D printers for chocolate!
We then looked at how they are utilised within Fashion and Textiles and how our A-level students have incorporated them into their designs. To end the session, the girls got
to see the 3D printer in action and pass around what it had created.