Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Year 8 bring your pet to assembly!

Senior School

05 March 2021

As Wednesday 3 March was the last Year 8 assembly online before our return to school, the Year 8s were invited to show their pets over TEAMS. With slight trepidation, Miss Glover and Mrs Mooney planned carefully the order in which the girls would turn on their microphones and cameras and introduce their pets; it was of paramount importance that no pets were frightened by another larger and louder!

Altogether we saw 16 animals and their owners: a menagerie of dogs, cats, rabbits, a chicken, a tortoise, chinchilla and a snake! All were calm and behaved impeccably.

We would like to thank all the year 8s who took part in the assembly and look forward to seeing them (without their pets!) next week.



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