Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Message from the Co-Chairs
17 March 2022
Dear Old Girls
It seems a while since we have been in contact but it finally feels as though things are looking more optimistic in terms of being able to resume the OGA events schedule. Our optimism may be, in some part, down to the weather which is at last beginning to show signs of Spring! Some joy in what has seemed a bit of a dismal time of late.
We are delighted to be back on track and the first of our events this year will be a Welcome Back Open House on Saturday 21 May. This is an informal event open to all Old Girls and their friends and families - do read more about this event, and our plans for the Summer Lunch, in the separate article.
We hope you enjoyed reading the Winter issue of Laurel Leaves and that you look forward to receiving the magazine twice a year. Thanks to those of you who have sent feedback to us and we shall take your comments and suggestions into consideration as we look ahead to the Summer edition that will be published in late June - early July. As ever, we love to hear from you so if you have any news - careers, family, weddings, reunions, or even if you just want to update all of us on life after leaving EHS then we want to hear from you!
In the meantime, look out for more communications from the OGA via Old Girls Reunited. Do consider reconnecting with us at one of the summer events and look out for booking information coming soon. We look forward to seeing you.
With best wishes,
Anne Lacey and Lizzie Hartley
Co-Chairs of the OGA