Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
EHS Dance Showcase - Monday 9 March
Preparatory | Senior School | Sixth Form | Parents
06 March 2020
On Monday 9 March, we will be staging our EHS Dance Showcase. The theme is 'Influential People' which will share the work from pupils in the Preparatory School right through to Sixth Form.
All dancers have explored an influential person, with the Prep School looking at iconic names such as Robin Williams, Amy Johnson and Anne Frank. Senior School girls are exploring Beyoncé and Winston Churchill, amongst others. There is also some examination work performed by GCSE and A Level Exam groups in Years 10, 11 and 12.
The event will run from 4.30pm till approximately 6.00pm with a short interval. Tickets are free and available from the Bursary Office. We welcome all parents
and students to come and join us to celebrate our dancers’ performances.

EHS Dance Showcase
Click image for full view