Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Library hosts World Book Day celebrations
06 March 2020
On Thursday 5 March, the Senior School library marked World Book Day with some exciting activities involving jelly beans, book ‘prescriptions’ (book recommendations) and book tokens.
Librarian Miss Lee handed out small pots of jelly beans as ‘medicine’ to add some sweetness to the day while also giving out the £1 book tokens for World Book Day. Any girl with a token can go to any participating bookstore and exchange the token for a free book shown on the front of the token. If they don't see anything they fancy, they can use the token to take £1 off any book or audiobook of their choosing. Miss Lee also had some handy book prescriptions from Year 7, 8 and 9 that helped decorate the library for this special day!
On Friday 6 March, the pupils and staff dressed up as various book-related characters and some as the physical books themselves! There was the World Book Day assembly, hosted by the librarian, Miss Lee, and her various helpers who did a wonderful job reading out all of the positive benefits of reading.
Miss Lee would like to thank all of the girls who helped her make World Book Day a fun and exciting day. We'll bring you more news and photographs from World Book Day in
school in next week's edition of Friday Headlines.

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