Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Jemima Takes Success in Her Stride
04 March 2022
Congratulations to Jemima who recently took part in the invitation-only British Modern Biathlon championships, finishing in an amazing 7th place overall against the best in the country.
The event was the culmination of several UK-wide regional competitions which saw Jemima competing against the top ranking individuals in her age group. She made a brilliant start, shaving an incredible 15 seconds off her 1,600m run time and she achieved the milestone of a sub-six minute mile. Her equally strong swim bolstered her performance again, earning her well over the biathlon gold standard of 2,000 points.
Getting the biathlon bug as a pupil in the Prep School, Jemima credits Miss Dawes and Miss Vann with setting her off on the right track and keeping her on it some eight years later.
Next up? Cycling training with Triathlon England later this month. Watch this space!