Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Join us for the EHS Ramble
Preparatory | Senior School | Parents
27 September 2019
After the success of the event last year, EHS will once again be taking part in the BBC Countryfile Ramble. EHS will have their own ramble and we hope to encourage EHS families of all ages to walk together to raise money.
Our ramble will take place on Sunday 6 October (the designated Countryfile Ramble weekend). Our meeting point will be in the Nimmings car park in the Clent Hills at 1pm (Sat Nav B62 9NL). We will ramble one of Clent’s designated planned routes; this should take around an hour and a half and should be suitable for all ages of children.
The day promises to be a great way of meeting other EHS families and having a great time with friends whilst enjoying our beautiful local countryside. In place of a sponsorship form, we will ask for a minimum £3 donation on the day for each rambler.
Please express your interest by Tuesday 1 October.
The email address for expressions of interest is
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