Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
News From Prep
18 June 2021
The girls have really enjoyed the sunshine this week especially for their after school cricket and tennis clubs and it is good to see their skills developing.
Whilst enjoying using our facilities this week and enjoying being out of doors we have been considering how we can improve our experiences, as it is School Grounds Week. There have been many ideas shared suggesting new equipment, further games and many ‘green’ ideas, including nature areas. These will be considered and we will try to action some of them for the new year.
Our grounds also provided the perfect venue for Mrs Aston to demonstrate her dog agility skills with her dogs Parker and Willow. This was part of the Year 6 enrichment programme and was greatly enjoyed by the girls. Year 6 are also busy with their Mid Summer’s Night Dream rehearsals on the freshly decorated stage. The flowers they made earlier in the term are a central feature of the setting.
During assemblies we have continued to feature a Morning Musician and this week we enjoyed Cora’s performance of The Jaguar. It can be very daunting performing in an empty Prep Hall in front of a camera but our young musicians are equal to the task.
We are lucky to have a swimming pool in our school grounds too and this week Year 1 girls were very excited to have their first swimming lesson of the term. They all performed confidently and we look forward to watching their future progress.
In our Celebration Assembly this week we were able to congratulate Ellie and Emma in Year 6 who are among the top 10 linguists for their age in the country. They qualified as two of only 30 finalists for the live final for which they had to learn Manx language which is not easy. We are so proud of their achievements and are sure their futures will include languages. Well done girls.
Risha Mitra, in Year 5 has become one of only two members of the 121 Club and has been awarded a Headteacher’s Certificate. She managed to answer, correctly 121 questions on fractions, percentages, decimals and general calculations in just 5 minutes.
We also presented Well Done certificates to girls in Years 1 and 2 and Zeenia in Year 2 also gained an Independent Work award. She designed and made a collage using recycled materials. It was colourful and artistic and demonstrated a care for the environment.
Year 5 are looking forward to their History Workshop next week and Year 6 are off to Bassett’s Pole for an extension activity.
Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

Prep News - 18 June 2021
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