Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Yr 8 Geography Goes Day-Tripping
18 June 2021
After months of absence, field trips are back on and this week, Year 8 visited the beautiful Carding Mill Valley in Shropshire. Here is Nethara in 8L's account of the visit:
On Thursday the 10th and Monday the 14th of June, Year 8 went on a geography trip to Carding Mill Valley. 8M and 8G went on Thursday and 8L and 8B went on Monday. Geography teachers Miss Massey and Mrs Egan came with us as well as Mrs Mooney, Mrs Newling, Miss Glover and Mr Malone.
Everyone was split into groups within their forms; the aim of the trip was to see how the Ashbrook river changes downstream. We measured the river at three different sites and at each site we had to measure the width of the river, the depth of the river, the gradient of the course, the speed of the water in the river, the size of the beadload and if the bedload in each course were angular or rounded.
We got to be in the river in our wellies, while some of us had a little catwalk in it. We had a little lunch break watching sheep do their thing or visitors climbing up and down the massive hills. We also admired the view, especially on Monday, when the fog formed between the interlocking spurs. There were lots of funny moments, such as baby lambs scratching themselves by rubbing against vehicles.
At the very end, before leaving, we got something from the cafe and had a sit down on the hill. Once everyone arrived at the hill we took a group photo, because we were sat on a hill some girls started sliding down. One by one everyone managed to somehow end up at the bottom, whether trying to re-create a scene from the Titanic or just not having the best balance to stay at the top. In the end the group picture ended up a looking more crazy then we imagined.
We all had a wonderful time and year 8 want to thank the geography department+ Mrs Mooney, Mr Malone, Miss Glover and Mrs Newling for a fantastic trip!

Year 8 Geography Field Trip
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