Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Two EHS Prep Linguists Enter Top Ten!
18 June 2021
What a wonderful year it has been for linguists Ellie and Emma in Year 6!
Firstly, the girls earned themselves a place in the Junior Language Challenge National Live Final, finishing in the top 30 in the country. The Live Final, showcasing their knowledge of Manx, from the Isle of Man, took place on Wednesday 16th June. There were schools present from as far away as Country Durham!
After an impressive warmup round, the girls went on to answer 18 questions and finished in 8th and 10th position. This gives EHS Prep School two of the top 10 linguists in the country of their age.
A huge congratulations to Ellie, Emma and all the girls who took part in the challenge this year. We look forward to many more girls participating next year.
As they say in Manx ‘Moylley dhyt!’ - Congratulations!

Language Challenge
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