Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
News From Prep
21 May 2021
Whilst girls have been busy in Prep completing assessments on work completed this year, they have also been engaged in many other activities. These have included an active start to the mornings for many in Walk to School Week with girls arriving on foot and by scooter, skateboard and bicycle.
Our cricket, tennis, swimming, life-saving and cross country clubs have provided many other opportunities for the girls to keep active outside of the classroom. Our young linguists continue to learn the Manx language which is challenging and girls in Year 3 have been enjoying Classics and ICT clubs.
Modelling with clay has given Year 2 the chance to model three-dimensional fish, making use of the slip method to attach the eyes.
Year 3 girls have been investigating tones of green in their Art lessons by gradually adding black to green paint. They will use their skills to recreate colours in nature in a future lesson.
In Science, as part of their topic on Forces, Year 4 have been investigating water resistance in a fair test experiment. Once their predictions were recorded the girls got ‘stuck in,’ literally because they were using glue, and dropped different shaped masses through a measuring cylinder. They applied their maths skills to find the median after repeating the experiment 3 times for reliability. The next step was demonstrating their bar chart plotting skills before concluding and evaluating their experimental method.
During their Year 6 Enrichment afternoon the girls have continued to extend a range of skills. One group constructed petals using wire and tissue paper. Each petal will be added to a three-dimensional flower sculpture which will form part of the set for their forthcoming drama performances. Meanwhile other groups were learning some Bollywood dancing, Chinese calligraphy and first aid. There are many other opportunities waiting for them in the weeks ahead.
All girls have been challenged during assembly to encourage their families to think about the careful use of water. This is important generally but has been a focus this week in Water Saving Week. We marked World Bee Day too and focused on what we can learn from these hardworking insects who work well as a team.
Our week has ended, as usual with much to celebrate. We awarded the Well Done certificates to girls in Years 1 and 2. We also congratulated Aliyya and Amanda in Year 5 on their excellent self-portraits created using pencil and shading. They were both presented with a Headteacher’s award for their efforts.
Next week we know that Year 4 are looking forward to their Tudor Day and we are looking forward to seeing their costumes.
Mrs Sally Hartley

Prep News - 21 May 2021
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