Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Westbourne Activities
21 May 2021
In addition to looking forward to their Beyond the Curriculum Day on Wednesday the girls in Westbourne have been busy with many other activities.
In Nursery this week girls have been extending their knowledge of shapes with a focus on rectangles and cuboids. Mrs Hartley started the week in her assembly with the girls looking at these shapes in houses. Windows, doors and houses themselves were a good starting point and provided an opportunity to become young architects. The girls also made rectangle robots. The topic was further extended with a visit to the swimming pool to see the big rectangle where Mrs Hayward talked about water safety too.
Kindergarten pupils have also been developing their mathematical skills. They have been considering the topics of length and height. They have been cutting out items and ordering them. They have also used cubes as a unit of measure.
The periods of sunshine, in between the showers, have inspired the girls in Reception to take their learning to the outdoor classroom. They used their creative skills to make some sun catchers using a range of different materials. These look lovely hanging in the windows and we hope there will be more sun to come to display them at their best.

Wonders of Westbourne - 21 May 2021
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