Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Nursery in full colour


25 October 2019

The girls in Nursery have recently been developing their knowledge of the world around them through the topic of colour.  

Last week on Friday 18 October, the girls joined the rest of the Prep School, and many people in the country, dressing in pink on ‘Wear it Pink Day’. They helped us to raise £400 for the cause that helps to fund research.

This week’s theme has been orange, an appropriate choice as everything around us is becoming very autumnal. The girls have used their various senses to explore. 
The girls squeezed oranges to make fresh juice which they enjoyed tasting. They also made full use of pumpkins, practising their hand-eye coordination and developing their physical skills by hammering golf tees into large pumpkins. They learnt new vocabulary as they explored the feel of the vegetable’s flesh. On paper pumpkin shapes they then used orange pen to work on their ‘have a go writing’ mark making.

Autumn has certainly arrived!

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