Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
On your marks, get set....bake!
25 October 2019
Last Friday, two pairs of girls from each Year 7 form took part in the Roman Bake Off 2019 hosted by the Classics and Food and Nutrition departments.
The girls’ task was to bake a cake or sweet treat with a Classical theme. From the Colosseum to Roman army shields, the girls threw themselves into the challenge and produced some very impressive bakes. The winners came from 7AC who baked a highly decadent croquembouche and shortbread biscuits depicting the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The Romans made of biscuit with icing togas were very impressive!
It was a pleasure to see the girls’ research and planning come alive in a baked form. Many thanks to all the girls who participated, Mrs Macro, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Crimp and Ms Jones-Owen for judging and the staff who supported the event.
Looking forward to the Classical delights of next year already!

Roman Bake Off
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