Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Prep News

Westbourne | Preparatory

03 May 2019

Having enjoyed the beautiful weather during the holiday everyone has returned to school refreshed and ready for the busy term ahead.  

We started this term welcoming new girls who we hope will be very happy at EHS. Then it was straight into work and in Reception the girls were introduced to their new topic for the term on Creatures Great and Small. They experimented with masks and will be able to develop their skills further by visiting the Vets in the role-play area in the classroom.

Year 6 girls have also begun their Enrichment Programme with First Aid lessons and Bikeability. They have a range of new skills ahead of them to experience including squash, Chinese calligraphy, enterprise, golf, relaxation and journalism.

A new skill was introduced to everyone from Years 1 - 6 on Monday morning when we welcomed Mrs Maloney who introduced us to British Sign Language. We were surprised that we already use universal signs in everyday life and Mrs Maloney taught us many more using the song ‘Firework’, by Katy Perry. We were keen to learn more and were reminded that we can communicate with others in many ways.

On Tuesday, we were once again impressed by the communication skills demonstrated by our Year 6 girls as they guided visitors round the school on our Open morning. Many of them also took part in the Junior Maths Challenge aimed at girls up to Year 8.  A packed audience enjoyed the whole school Summer Ensembles Concert on Wednesday evening.  This featured pupils from Years 3 – 13 who all clearly take great pleasure from working together and being involved in Music activities. There were performances from the Prep Choirs, Guitar, Flute and String groups and the Prep Orchestra. We are now looking forward to the Prep Summer Concert later in the term.

There was also much to celebrate in our Thursday Assembly. We congratulated our Year 6 Netball Squad on their silver medals in the Birmingham Primary Schools Netball League and the end of season tournament.  The squad has enjoyed a most successful season.

There were congratulations to our Year 1 and 2 Well Done recipients and to some individuals too.  Grace received a Young First Aiders award and sisters Star and Aurelia both received awards for their endeavours at the weekend. Aurelia received a rosette for her success in a gymnastics competition and Star has achieved tenth place in the country in the National Youth Climbing Series. 252 competitors took part initially with the finals taking place in Sheffield.  Very well done to all girls.

Next week our Year 5 girls will head off for their Cranedale experience, Years 1 -3 have cricket coaching to look forward to and we will welcome parents to the Year 3 and 4 Teatime Concert on Thursday and 6G Assembly on Friday.

We hope everyone will enjoy Bank Holiday Monday and will see girls back at school on Tuesday.

Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

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