Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Prep News


17 November 2017

This time of year has many topics being recognised nationally and we began the week with a reminder that November 13 is World Kindness day. The girls were asked to consider how they could be kind in and out of school.

Year 6 spent Monday at a Digital Awareness workshop with pupils from Year 7. April and Valentina, our Prep Newshounds, wrote about the day. ‘We learned how different people respond to different emojis and how we see them differently. We then learned how to leave a good digital footprint and which pictures are suitable to put on social media. The next challenge was to distinguish whether a group of photos was real or photoshopped. We also learned that news can be fake even if it is online and were guided on how to distinguish real news. The afternoon was spent making a stop-motion animation about internet safety. We had an amazing day.’

On Tuesday, our Charity Reps launched their sale of Children in Need merchandise with some ears, wristbands and hand-made badges available. It was not long before they sold out and we look forward to adding the money raised to our total on Spotty Day on Friday.

In Westbourne, Kindergarten girls celebrated national Nursery Rhyme Week in the outdoor classroom. They happily recited the rhymes around the campfire whilst enjoying delicious hot chocolate. You can find out about Nursery’s Rhyme Time in the separate article. Whilst the girls were outside the ‘spiders’ crawled inside to shelter from the colder weather. They have set up their webs in Kindergarten windows.

Other Artwork around school also reflects links to curriculum studies and to seasonal activities. In Reception girls have made cakes for their role play area and egg men have helped them to revise work on the ‘e’ sound. In Year 2 our frequent peacock visitors from the Botanical Gardens have enthused the girls to find out more about these exotic birds. Their challenge board is filling up quickly with independent work carried out by the girls.

On Wednesday, Year 6 girls experienced communication of a more traditional kind when they enjoyed a workshop with actors from the Young Shakespeare Company. They studied the story of Macbeth and are now keen to complete their Shakespeare unit later in the year.

During this Switch Off Fortnight families have been making pledges to save energy to help our planet. Year 1 have been considering another environmental matter. They welcomed Sharika and Pippa, the Senior School Green Reps who came to read the story of Litterbug Doug. The story presented in our Prep Library gave them much to think about.

As the week has ended with our most enjoyable Year 3 and 4 Teatime Concert and Children in Need Day we look forward to next week’s activities. These start on Saturday when we welcome St John’s College, Portsmouth who are on their Netball Tour. They continue with the arrival of the Star Dome, Year 5 and 6 Teatime Concert, Assembly for 1B parents on Friday and a visit for Year 3 from the dentist. It will clearly be a busy week.

Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of preparatory School

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