Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Prep News


29 September 2017

Our week began with the first House Assembly of the year. The new House Captains have worked hard to prepare their House boards and were eagerly awaiting their chance to present their assemblies on the theme of British Food. Although they were a little anxious before the assembly they enjoyed the experience and are keen to see the results of the competition they have launched to design a healthy meal.

Another first for everyone has been the introduction to Italian in the Modern Foreign Languages lessons in celebration of European Languages Day on Tuesday 26 September. Molte Grazie to Mrs Scott Dickins.

The girls have been adapting well to their new routines and in Reception the girls have been getting to know each other with role play in the Café and taking part in creative activities.

In the picture below you can see how well our pumpkins are growing at the allotment. Well done to Year 6 Gardening Club.

Year 1 girls have been on tours of the whole school and, on return to the classroom, as part of their Geography studies, they mapped their walk using symbols for places they had visited. They even gave Dr Weeks a wave in her office!

In their Science lessons, Year 2 have been learning all about 'The Senses'. After learning about Louis Braille the girls were challenged to find examples of Braille around the home and to share what else they know about the sense of sight. The challenge board is now full of interesting facts - well done Year 2!

Another special day, National Poetry Day, was marked in assembly on Thursday when Year 5 girls presented their poems written following their trip to Land Rover. Although the visit had a Science and Technology focus the sounds in the factory inspired them to work together to produce some ‘noisy’ poems with machine like actions.

The week has finished with some fund raising for Macmillan. Along with many people in the country we held a Coffee morning for parents but a chocolate morning for the girls! We will report on our efforts next week once the counting of pounds has been completed.

Next week we look forward to the help of parents with the Fire of London workshop and to welcoming Year 1 parents to Open House on Thursday morning. We also hope many parents will join us at the EHSPA Quiz night on Friday. Do return your forms to book places for what is always an enjoyable event. If you would like more details on this event please email EHSPA or see Mrs Hartley.

Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School


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