Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Prep's School in Action Open Morning

Westbourne | Preparatory

07 June 2024

Join us on Thursday 13 June to see the Prep School in action! 

Aimed at current EHS parents with younger daughters and prospective parents who wish to find out more about life in our Pre-Prep and Prep departments, this event is great way to see how our pupils benefit from the inspiring educational experience on offer:

•  See Nursery, Kindergarten and Reception and Prep in action on a normal school day
•    Meet the Head and Deputy Heads and speak with our fantastic team of staff
•    Explore our extensive site to view our facilities
•    Find out from pupils what life at EHS Prep and Pre-Prep is really like!

Booking is essential as spaces are limited. The event runs from 9.30am – 11.30am with appointments offered at either 9.30am or 10.45am. Book your place online HERE

Alternatively contact the Admissions Team via email or telephone 0121 454 5831.

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