Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Rewards raffle for girls
26 October 2018
On Tuesday 23 October, Year 10 came together at break time in the Library to celebrate their achievements this half term.
Since September they have been collecting Raffle Reward tickets. The aim of the raffle is to help to motivate, encourage and inspire the girls to do their best in all aspects of life at EHS in Year 10.
Every week their teachers have nominated girls they think are worthy and deserving of a ticket and nominations have been made in a range of categories including progress and success in academic studies, attitude and commitments to extra-curricular activities and for being good role models and ambassadors for the school. This half term there were over 400 tickets awarded, demonstrating the enthusiasm and commitment the girls have shown since beginning their GCSEs.
A big congratulations to the ten lucky girls who received Amazon vouchers and a big well done to all of Year 10 for their efforts this term. We celebrated these successes in true EHS style with lots of cake.
We look forward to seeing how many tickets we can award after the holidays!
Miss O’Hare and Mrs Lee
Head of Year 10 and Assistant Head of Year 10