Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Senior-Prep Liaison a Hit With Pupils
21 January 2022
A group of Year 9 students have been taking part in a Senior School-Prep School liaison during morning break. The girls all have assigned days when they go down to the Prep playground to play and chat with the younger children. The purpose of the initiative is for the Prep girls to familiarise themselves with older students, so that when they move up to Senior School, they will have some people they feel comfortable around, and able to talk to.
Personally, we enjoy Prep Liaison because it benefits both sides, by allowing us as Year 9 students to improve our social and communication skills, whilst giving the Prep girls the chance to get to know us and have some fun with older girls.
We asked some Year 9 students and Prep girls about the initiative.
What do you enjoy about Prep Liaison?
Charlotte Year 9: “Getting all of the girls involved in games and seeing them happy.”
Sakya Year 9: “Playing games with the girls.”
Carrie Year 9: “Speaking to younger girls.”
Olivia Year 9: “It’s fun to interact with the younger girls, and see what they are up to.”
Erica Year 2: “Prep Liaison’s great and everyone should like it.”
Suzannah Year 2: “I was so excited, I forgot you guys were coming.”
What do you do in a typical Prep Liaison visit?
Olivia Year 9: “I enjoy playing tag and talking with the younger girls.”
Samara Year 9: “I enjoy saying hi to them, playing games and just catching up.”
We would like to thank the Sixth Form Prep Liaison Prefects Frankie and Aizah for coming up with the idea, and also Mrs Hartley for giving us this opportunity.
By Charis Tai and Kate Stockton 9M
Prep Liaison
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