Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Shrove Tuesday fun

Westbourne | Preparatory

08 March 2019

In the beautiful spring sunshine, the girls in both Prep and Westbourne held some competitive pancake races on Shrove Tuesday.

Girls in Reception were divided into teams and enjoyed competing against each other as they took part in the races in the playground. The teachers took part too.
In the Prep Department all girls in Years 1-6 took part in an Inter-House Race. They were divided into their Houses in year groups and Year 6 took part first. They ran to the centre of the course where they had to toss the pancake six times. They were followed by Year 5 who tossed the pancake five times.  The older girls demonstrated the skills well, using different techniques and the younger girls followed suit.

Everyone was cheered on by their Housemates creating a most exciting atmosphere and encouraging everyone to do their best.
After adding up all of the points the winning House was Frank House but we congratulate all girls on their team spirit and the support they offered each other. Well done!

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