Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Summer Term Maths Report
06 July 2018
This term ended with Years 7-10 solving mathematical problems in the form of a treasure hunt down on the school field. The weather was kind, if a little too hot.
This term was the turn of Years 7 & 8 to enter the Junior Challenge. We were pleased that approximately 90 girls volunteered to take part and many girls were successful in achieving certificates. We congratulate the following girls for their efforts:
Year 7
Bronze Certificates - Sheau-En Lin, Isobel Parkes and Juniper Siegel
Silver Certificate - Ruth Christian
Silver and Best in Year - Lexi Byrne
Year 8
Bronze Certificates - Evie Casey, Georgina Day, Roseanna Diwaker, Amelia Groves, Abida Mohamed, Kim Mpofu and Shanicia Romain
Silver - Keerat Bharj, Polly Starkie & Abigail Tomlinson
Gold - Gracie Herbert
Gold, Best in Year and Best in School - Marie-Eve Kavanagh