Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

The Big History Quiz at UoB

Senior School

05 April 2019

On Monday 18 March, 16 eager girls journeyed to the University of Birmingham ready to compete in the History Big Quiz. 

We were the first school to arrive at the event, leaving us ample time for an extraordinary tour of the incredible campus. We heard about the Old Joe clock tower being the tallest free standing clock tower in the UK and that a double decker bus could fit through the face of the clock! We all enjoyed exploring the amazing facilities on the site including their newly built sports hall and fields, housing an array of professional facilities. We then made our way back to the Great Hall, where we would compete against a number of schools. 

There were eight rounds to the quiz, covering a huge degree of different aspects throughout history. These rounds were split up by a Key Note Lecture, by Michelle Crestfield, who discussed the fascinating history of trainers, how they used to determine class and race, and how they first came about and developed the idea of celebrity advertisement. Then we all enjoyed our lunches, with some girls making a trip to the on-site Costa for a treat! All four teams from EHS put in incredible effort, competing against schools from across the city. 

We were delighted that EHS won both a spot prize for a bonus round and managed to claim third place overall, despite the number of other schools there!
A special congratulation goes to EHS Team A, which consisted of Abigail, Evie, Amal and Lauren, for being the team to win EHS third place. Well done to Davina Jagpal, Indira Jagpal, Amal Hafez-Abdelmeged, Evie Casey, Abigail Tomlinson, Erendeep Chahal, Lauren Gillott, Nikita Basandrai, Jessica Scurlock, Epper Xu, Jiaying Han, Sidrat Javaid, Amrit Dhaliwal, Lauren Newton, Polly Starkie and Zoha Sohail, for participating in this event.

Thank you to Miss Glover and Miss Taylor for taking us on this trip and providing us with such a wonderful opportunity.    

Indira Jagpal, Year 9

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