Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

This Week in Westbourne


10 June 2022

In addition to visiting the Discovery Den the girls have been very busy on return to school after half term.

The letter sound of the week in Kindergarten has been ‘q’ which has allowed the girls to continue their work on the Queen started during Jubilee Week.

They have written the letter ‘q’, thought of words that begin with the sound and have written questions they would like to ask the Queen.  They have also read the story, ‘A Quiet Night,’ and written about what happened.  Their mathematical activities have included duck themed number bonds to 5, counting out pennies and coin values and making castles out of 2D shapes including pentagons, hexagons, and octagons and creating pizza quarters.  They also enjoyed creating a quilt using a range of different materials and fabrics.

Both Nursery and Reception's topic work this week has been based on mini beasts.  The girls all went on a 'Bug Hunt' in the outdoor area and were intrigued to find so many insects right in front of their noses!  They lifted up stones, chairs and rocks to discover another world of creatures, where they hide, how they move and what they look like up close through a magnifying glass.  

Back in the classroom, Reception wrote about their findings.  They also painted lovely colourful pictures of the bugs found.  

Nursery activities included lacing ladybirds with red wool, decorating snail shells with mosaic shapes and making symmetrical butterflies and handprint caterpillars. They made snail trails by rolling marbles in silver paint and used their developing mathematical skills to count spots on one half of the ladybirds and then drawing the corresponding number on the other half.  It is lovely to see the girls being interested in the natural world around them.

Reception girls have also been developing their language skills in French, as they have started to learn names of the face. They labelled the eyes, ears, hair, neck, mouth and nose and completed the task with some lovely colourful pictures. 

Très bien!

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