Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
This Week in Westbourne
13 January 2023
Our new girls who joined us this term have settled in well and are starting to enjoy the new routines.
In Nursery the week has been focused on Humpty Dumpty with a curiosity cube all about eggs. They have examined eggs in different forms including making and tasting
scrambled eggs. They built a wall for humpty and saw what happened when he fell – they couldn’t put him back together again. They also used eggshells to plant
cress seeds in so that Humpty will grow some green hair. They developed their visual discrimination skills too by playing a matching pairs game. We had lots of
Humptys and had to find two that were same e.g. orange hair, spotty shirt.
Kindergarten have worked on the letter sound m. They have been forming the letter and copy writing words beginning with m, working on developing pencil control.
They have made monsters and stories such as Monkey Puzzle have helped them listen for rhyming words. Their cooking has also had a monkey theme! In Maths, the
girls have thought about more and fewer when comparing quantities and have counted the money in the piggy bank. Mummies have also been a focus and the girls have
considered all of the ways their mummies help them. There have been many ways of using this letter.
The new topic of ‘Gardens and Growing’ has been introduced in Reception. The girls have had a close look at seeds and beans and have talked about how they grow. This was linked to their work on capital letters in Literacy and the girls have created their own collage initial using seeds and beans. Girls have learnt where baked beans come from and how they are grown from a seed. They even made and ate beans on toast in the classroom. The role play corner has become a garden centre complete with a flower shop, which sells hoes, rakes and watering cans!
In Creative Writing, following on with this theme, girls have written about Jack and the Beanstalk and have painted some wonderful artwork which will be displayed together with their writing. To further their knowledge and understanding Reception also used the interactive white board to label the different parts of a plant. They also discussed what each of these parts did to help the plants and flowers grow strong and healthy.
Other lessons have included working with numbers to 5 and singing new songs in their weekly French lessons.
What a busy week!