Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

This Week in Westbourne


23 June 2023

In our Discovery Den in Westbourne all girls in Nursery, Kindergarten and Reception have enjoyed finding out more about bees and learning beyond their weekly curriculum.  They were amazed to find out that there are over 25,000 different species of bees and were able to create their own bees using playdoh and cardboard and carefully followed step by step instructions to draw a bee. They have also enjoyed looking at different types of honey including a close up of an actual honeycomb!

Nursery have been enjoying the sunny weather and have focused on the topic of summer.  They have taken part in water play, built sandcastles and explored a range of shells and what may have lived in them.  They have also found out how to stay safe by drinking water and wearing hats and sun cream.  There has been some Sports Day practice too.

Letter sounds x and y have occupied Kindergarten this week.  In addition to writing the two letters and learning words with these letters in them their activities have included studies of x rays, xylophones and boxes.  The story of ‘My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes’ provided the opportunity to learn more about refrains and phrases.  A yellow day and sharing baby photos of when they were younger gave more chance to study the letter sound y.  In Mathematics they shared yellow items between their teddies and completed ‘Funny Bones’ subtraction sums.

The week ended for Kindergarten with their first experience of swimming in our pool.  This is good preparation for starting swimming weekly in Reception.

The Reception girls were looking forward to another exciting week ahead having enjoyed the end of last week when they invited their daddies into school for a Father’s Day breakfast.  The girls took the orders and then served a delicious continental breakfast.  

This week they have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly.  They have been watching caterpillars grow, turn into chrysalides and then hatch into butterflies.  Then on Wednesday of this week they enjoyed a trip to West Midlands Safari Park to further their animal studies linked to their topic on Creatures Great and Small.  They were amazed by the different wild animals they saw and you can find out more about their trip in the separate article.

The week ended for everyone with activities at the playing fields on Sports Day.

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