Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Wonders of Westbourne
19 March 2021
The recent spring weather has enabled the girls in Westbourne to spend time in our outdoor classroom. They have enjoyed climbing trees, helping to maintain the area and cooking up wonderful new recipes in the mud kitchen. They have definitely enjoyed experimenting with a number of skills and using the magnifying glass to examine nature more closely.
We always enjoy marking special days and this week Nursery girls, who have been consolidating their colour recognition, applied this to a celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. The shamrock collages included an interesting mix of materials.
The letter sound ‘e’ has been the focus this week in Kindergarten and Elmer the Elephant, a Kindergarten favourite has featured. The girls have enjoyed playing a dice game in which the number they land on corresponds to the colour they use to colour in Elmer’s squares. They also decorated Elmer with sparkly squares on his patchwork. Finally, the girls talked about how we are all unique and different like Elmer, talking about reasons why and writing them down.
Reception has also been a hive of activity. There has been much practical work to extend the girls’ number knowledge, which they have clearly enjoyed. They have also relished being art historians with a study of the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo’s food pictures. Using vegetables allowed the girls to create unique masterpieces of their own.
Everyone is looking forward to finishing the week in support of Comic Relief charity.

Wonders of Westbourne - 19 March 2021
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