Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
News From Prep
19 March 2021
We ended last week in Prep with a celebration of International Maths Day. We looked first at the symmetry of the date; 12/3/21 which was very fitting. We then shared some details of famous mathematicians from the past and present. Girls were encouraged to do further independent research on the topic in addition to continuing with activities from our Enrichment Grid.
This week started with a Countdown to Comic Relief. Families had been invited to enter their favourite joke into our Joke Fest Competition. The collection boxes were located around the Prep School and daily joke posters were displayed to help girls to 'Share a Smile'. On Friday we are looking forward to a red glow descending on Prep as we have a non-uniform day to raise some money for the worthy causes. During assemblies in the week we have looked at the work supported by the charity and some of the people who have benefited from their help.
Many of the girls have shared with us individually how they looked after their mums on Mother’s Day at the weekend whilst girls in 1B sent their mums an extra-special present. They had prepared a class assembly, which included a special message and song and the sharing of a story. This was sent on Monday morning and we are sure that the recorded presentation will have brought a few tears! Well done to the girls on their confident performances.
The spring weather has seen much learning outside in Westbourne where girls have made full use of the outdoor classroom. They have also extended their learning in Maths and English each day inside. A study of the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo by Reception was followed by the creation of a number of vegetable faces whilst Elmer was the focus for Kindergarten girls.
In Year 3 girls have also been extending their practical and creative skills in preparation for making an individual tablet case. Meanwhile Year 5 girls have been using their practical skills to make a full study of the digestion process. Pop Art and circle patterns have been created by our Year 6 girls. With such a wide variety of creative skills in evidence, it is not a surprise that our Art Gallery continues to grow.
In our Friday Celebration Assembly we congratulated Isla Batchelor who has been invited to the next stage of the performance programme with City of Birmingham Swimming. It has been good to follow Isla’s swimming progress during her time in Prep and we are delighted by this news. Emily Hadley, in Year 3 was awarded a Headteacher’s certificate. As her class Eco-Rep she produced a pen recycling tray to encourage the girls to think ‘Green’. Well done to the girls on their achievements.
We will bring results of the Family Fun Joke Fest next week and we hope many families will ‘Share a Smile’ over the weekend.

Prep News - 19 March 21
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