Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Words from Westbourne
22 January 2021
Whether learning from home remotely or being at school the girls in Westbourne have been engaged in a wide range of activities and we are very proud of their efforts.
Girls in Nursery have completed work based on the Nursery Rhyme about Miss Muffet. They have recited the rhyme together and have practised their positional language. Mrs Hartley and Incy Wincy joined in with helping to explain these words although Mrs Hartley was not so sure about the spider being on her shoulder!
In Kindergarten, girls have focused on the letter sound ‘g’. One set of activities was based on the story of Three Billy Goats Gruff. They have completed colour mixing, matching pairs, counting and addition and even became engineers with some bridge building.
In line with their theme this term the girlsin Reception have been focused on growing things and they worked on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They retold the story and completed some writing and art. They also practised their ordinal numbers with some races to reinforce their understanding.
The girls also worked on weighing and balancing using their shoes and teddies and we have enjoyed seeing parents joining in with these activities at home. Girls have also learned about sequencing by making beans on toast which looks and tastes quite different if actions are not completed in the correct order.
It is clear that the girls have enjoyed their learning. Well done everyone!
Words from Westbourne - 22 Jan 2021
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