Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Year 1 Bodies Assembly


15 March 2024

We welcomed parents to our Year 1 assembly on Tuesday.  It was a very gloomy morning outside but parents left with huge smiles and feeling more cheerful after the confident and engaging performances from all of the girls.

The girls in Year 1 have been focused on the topic of bodies in various lessons across the curriculum including Art, Science, PSHE, Music and English.  During the assembly they showcased a range of their work including their painted self portraits, pencil sketches of their friends, skeleton shapes and jointed model puppets made in DT.

They shared their knowledge of the importance of exercise to keep bodies healthy and some of their favourite sporting ways of exercising at school and at home including demonstrating Yoga poses, karate and scootering.  

In addition to sharing examples of their work the girls also sang a range of body themed songs all with actions and accompanied with shakers made in Art.  They recited poems and shared amazing scientific facts too and all with huge smiles.

Well done Year 1 - so many different skills on show.

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