Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
Yr 13 Get University-Ready With Week of Prep
11 June 2021
Our final half term of the academic year got off to a flying start on Monday with the return of our Year 13 students for their University Preparation Week.
The timetable was jam-packed with sessions to help the girls get University-ready, kicking off on Monday with introductory sessions on Moocs (Massive Online Open Courses) and what life is like at University hosted by Mrs Macro and Dr Rajp. The girls then went on to learn the basics of first-aid including how to use a defilbrillator, perform CPR, what to do if someone is choking, how to deal with bleeds and place someone into the recovery position.
As student debt continues to rise, on Tuesday the girls spent the morning talking student finances and getting the lowdown on managing budgets with advisors from the University of Birmingham and HSBC. The afternoon was spent focussing on cookery with the girls whipping up a range of simple, nutritious and affordable meals.
On Wednesday the girls attended sessions on Leadership before focussing on physical fitness and well-being, as well as taking in sessions on self-defence and challenging teachers to a rounders match. The following day, Yr 13 girls got the chance to talk to a number of EHS ‘Old Girls’ who gave up their time to host Q&A sessions about their time at University and beyond. Further sessions on budgeting for University and managing well-being, mindset and anxiety followed and the week will culminate this afternoon with a wonderful Leaver’s Afternoon Tea in the dining hall.
A great week has been had by all and we’re thrilled to be sending the girls off onto the next stage of their journeys with some basic life skills, financial know-how, and a couple of good recipes up their sleeves! We hope they all have a wonderful summer and wish them all the very best of luck. Keep in touch!

Year 13 University Prep Week
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