Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

A Day in Ancient Egypt


21 June 2024

This Thursday, the Year 6 girls embarked on a fascinating journey back in time with our highly anticipated Egyptian Workshop. 

The morning began with the girls arriving at school in a range of wonderful Egyptian attire. The colours and intricate designs of their costumes set the tone for the day, immersing them in the ancient world. Each student chose an Egyptian name, adding a personal touch to their experience and allowing them to fully embrace their historical personas.

The workshop began with a creative session where the girls crafted their own canopic jars. Following this, the girls delved into the fascinating process of mummification. They learned about the various steps involved and the significance of each ritual. Next, the girls tried their hand at creating perfume cones. These cones, which were worn on the heads of guests at banquets and celebrations, released delightful fragrances as they melted, adding a sensory element to the day’s learning and creating a wonderful smell in Prep Hall.

If that was not enough the girls also enjoyed crafting their own shabti. These small figurines were placed in tombs among the grave goods and were believed to act as servants for the deceased in the afterlife. The girls enjoyed moulding and decorating their shabti, showcasing their artistic talents. 

The day culminated in a grand Egyptian feast and an engaging role-play session. The girls took on different roles and re-enacted scenes from Ancient Egyptian stories, bringing history to life with their enthusiasm and creativity.

We would like to extend our grateful thanks to all the parent helpers and Sixth Form students who contributed to making this day possible. 

It was truly a wonderful day of hands-on learning, and the joy and excitement on the faces of our Year 6 girls definitely provided a great end to the week. 

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