Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Action-Packed Adventure at PGL

Senior School

21 June 2024

It was fast-paced fun all the way last week when Year 8 enjoyed an action-packed adventure at PGL in Devon. Three pupils tell us about the trip.

The girls had an early start making their way to school at 7:45am in the morning. After waiting for everyone to arrive the girls jumped onto the coaches and set off, eagerly anticipating the exciting couple of days ahead!

Upon arrival the girls enjoyed a lovely picnic near the pool, and were sorted into their activity groups. With backpacks ready, the girls were eager to start their first activity which ranged from laser tag, canoeing and even climbing! 

In the evening, the hunger for activities was replaced by the hunger for food. Dinner was served at 6:30pm and all the students very much enjoyed the variety of pasta dishes on offer. We finished the evening with one more activity which was a choice between a PGL competition or archery tag. Finally, after a crammed day of activities, food and fun the girls went to their dormitories for a much-earned rest.

With the morning chirps of the teachers, Year 8 woke up and headed to breakfast to fuel up for another day of activity. For some girls the day consisted of zip wiring, canoeing, assailing and survival skills; for others it was a choice of rock climbing, problem-solving, canoeing and rifle shooting. Lunch was served somewhere in the midst of all the activities but was clearly a priority as it was burgers and chips!

After all the many activities the girls headed to their dorms for a welcome rest before getting ready for dinner. As per Mrs Batchelor’s rules, dinner was a screen-free affair with the focus being on socialising with friends and talking about the experiences of the day. 

Post-dinner options were swimming or a game of archery tag. Both activities were fantastic and the girls had a blast! They headed to bed and fell straight asleep, shattered from the day they had!

And just like that the final day arrived. After a filling breakfast the girls were eager to get going to their final activities of the week. Another amazing mix of options such as problem-solving, air rifle shooting and survival skills and even though the girls were all exhausted from the week, they still gave the activities their all. 

Soon it was time to depart and the pupils boarded the coach, sad to leave but looking forward to a night of rest in their own beds at home, As tired as they were, somehow they all managed to hop off the coach to enjoy a stop at the service station!

The girls would like to thank all the teachers for giving up their time to take Year 8 on such a fantastic trip. Their hard work is very much appreciated as they all made sure that the week went smoothly but was also fun and exciting.

So thank you Mrs Batchelor, Mr Ball, Mr Smith, Mrs Lee, Ms Lane, Mrs Cole, Mrs Coley, Miss Roye and Mrs Hewison. It was a pleasure to have you accompanying us on the trip and making such great memories together!

By Emma H, Aggie B & Sophia P

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