Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Ancient Egypt Brought to Life


01 July 2022

The History curriculum at EHS is rich and varied with a wide range of artefacts for pupils to engage with. 

Year 6 recently benefited from a History Workshop Day to further enrich their learning about Ancient Egypt. The workshop leader created truly memorable experiences, for pupils and our wonderful parent helpers, as he transported us through the time warp of discovery. 

The school hall was transformed into an Egyptian Pharaoh’s court on this cross-curricular day which inspired us all. The fabulous workshop brought History and literature to life through traditional craft making, retelling of stories, as well as opportunities to produce drama and role-play. 

The girls completed tasks linked to culture in Ancient Egypt, including embalming, tomb painting, carving scarab beetles, producing perfume cones and making amulets! 
The whole year group were able to immerse themselves in History and really enjoyed the events of this inspiring day.

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