Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Careers Talk Sheds Light on Archaeology

Senior School

28 June 2024

Our latest Careers Talk came courtesy of one of our teachers, Miss Thaper, who hosted a session on careers in Archaeology with input from members of our Egyptology Club. 

Since primary school, Miss Thaper has been fascinated by the wonderful world of Ancient Egypt, gods and goddesses and hieroglyphs so she was determined to study this further.

After securing a place at Liverpool University to study Egyptology and Archaeology, she was able to work in Thessaloniki, Greece for a month on a dig discovering layers of an ancient city! She also worked as a curator at a museum, handling treasures over 1,000 years old!

There are so many enriching career opportunities in this field, from Academic Researcher, Heritage Manager and historic building inspector all the way to Palaeontologist, Local Council and Lecturer.

After completing her degree, Miss Thaper went on to do her teacher training and now works here at EHS in the History and RS department, enriching the next generation. Miss Thaper runs the very popular Egyptology Club on Thursday lunchtimes which is open to all Senior School pupils.

You can read more about careers support in the separate article in this week's edition of Friday Headlines.

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