Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Father's Day Feast


21 June 2024

Earlier in the year we welcomed Reception Mums to join us for a special assembly. Last Friday it was the turn of Reception Dads who were invited to join us for a Father’s Day Feast to celebrate their special day.

Prior to the event pupils had written an invitation to their Dad and then on the morning the excited girls helped Dads to complete a menu card. Then they set off to the serving area to collect the requested food. Girls then returned to the classroom to serve it to their guests. Fathers were treated to a delightful breakfast which included pastries, fresh fruit, yoghurts and a choice of drinks. During the breakfast, the girls eagerly shared their handmade Father's Day cards and small gifts.

There was also time to build with Lego, create structures using K’nex, read the odd book or two and, of course, complete some very careful colourings. The Dads enjoyed catching up with each other too and there was some talk of football helped by the themed tableware.

We were also delighted to be joined by a number of Mums who stepped in for Dads who were unable to attend. Thanks to technology we were able to face time some of the missing fathers so they could be part of the special day. 

As one of the fathers said, "It is moments like these we have to savour and remember as they won't happen again."  It was a wonderful morning, enjoyed by everyone. We hope all Dads enjoyed their day on Sunday and that the girls continued to be helpful.

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