Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Focus on Futures

Senior School | Sixth Form

28 June 2024

Careers education in the Senior School, known as our Futures Programme, offers students expert careers advice and support to help the girls to make informed choices. Here is a brief overview of some aspects of Futures.

World of Work Thursdays
Every Thursday, pupils will be researching a different career path in form time using Unifrog. Girls will be shown a short video about the chosen career and then research what qualifications, work experience and volunteer work are needed for that specific career. This helps students to consider a wider range of careers as they contemplate life after EHS. 

Year 10 Parents Information Evening 
On Tuesday 2 July we will be holding an information evening for Year 10 and their parents regarding Futures at EHS.  

EHS Futures Fair 
We are delighted to be hosting our very own EHS Futures Careers Fair on Friday 27 September 2024 for Years 10-13. We are very excited about the different exhibitors that are coming in, which range from the Armed Forces to a wide range of universities.

Lunchtime Futures talks
These talks are held regularly at lunchtime in the Learning Hub, offering input from professionals about their careers. Get ready for Miss Masterson's masterclass on sports science and physiotherapy next week!

Ms Chambers

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