Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Sunshine at Prep Charity Fair

Westbourne | Preparatory

28 June 2024

It was definitely ‘Roll up, roll up … to the Prep Summer Charity Fair!’ on Monday afternoon. This is always a firm favourite on the Prep calendar and this year we were blessed with a beautiful afternoon of sunshine.

Prep playground was a hive of activity as each class ran their own stall and every girl from Reception to Year 6 had the opportunity to try their luck at a range of fun games and competitions.

This was not only a charity fundraising activity but also a hugely valuable opportunity for the girls to handle money and shop independently. Plus there were the collaborative efforts from the girls in each form to plan and run their stall and not to mention it being a huge amount of fun!

There were windmills and books to buy, treasure to hunt, guesses to make, many aiming and throwing games to enjoy and, of course, the most popular opportunity to splat the teachers with wet sponges.

There was also much kindness on show as friends supported each other as partners and by sharing coins. Well done to Haneefah and Iman, in Reception, who were both prize winners.

What a great afternoon in support of West Midlands Air Ambulance, our chosen charity for the term.

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