Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

Medical Mavericks


14 June 2019

Zaqia and Sam brought an array of diagnostic medical equipment for our Year 6 pupils to use during their Medical Mavericks workshop. Our girls were the first Primary age students in the West Midlands to use a special microscope which allowed us to look at the blood cells under our nail bed. They also used equipment previous Year 6 girls will find familiar such as the ultrasound machine, laproscope simulator and retina scanner. The girls enjoyed testing their reflexes (although some of us found them elusive!) and using the automated blood pressure cuff. 

The favourite activity this year was trying on the Pathology goggles, which simulate different eye troubles such as double vision and cataracts. We gained a lot of sympathy and understanding for those with eye conditions and had fun trying to high five each other whilst wearing the double vision goggles. Zaqia and Sam also took the time to speak to the girls about their budding careers and education paths. Sam recently graduated university with a Biochemistry degree whilst Zaqia is working her way through Dentistry school. It was an enjoyable, fascinating and inspiring experience for everyone. 

“The workshop with Medical Mavericks was brilliant and I enjoyed every single moment of it. I have learnt a plethora of things and did many different and fun tests: seeing if I was going to grow (by finding the growth plate in my wrist using the ultrasound machine), measuring my height and pulse rate, hearing my heartbeat, seeing the bones inside my arm and much more. In one activity, I took blood out of a fake arm. To take out the blood you first find a vein then follow it up and tap it with your finger. Then use the needle and syringe and take out the blood. This was my favourite part because I felt as if I was doing it in real life. It was all fabulous, and I learnt a lot from this experience. Who knows - maybe one day I will do it for real!” – Sara, Year 6

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