Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

News from Prep


21 June 2024

Every day at this time of the term is busy and full of new experiences. 

This was especially true for Year 6 this week as they enjoyed two Enrichment activities. On Tuesday they enjoyed a Drone Day with a hands-on experience of the technology behind drones. They were then able to apply their Mathematics, problem-solving and coding skills to fly, control and flip the drones. This was definitely an example of STEM subjects in action. The Egyptian Day gave the Year 6 girls a different experience with a taste of life in a very different time period. They learnt about a range of different crafts from the time of the ancient Egyptians and engaged in some role play. Wearing costumes also helped them to get into character for the activities of the day.

Year 2 enjoyed a new experience this week too, as they took part in their first Inter-House swimming gala. All girls began the gala swimming a full length which was followed by a number of relay races using various pieces of equipment. The girls were very supportive of each other and enjoyed taking part for their Houses. The points will be added to the other year groups and the winning House will be announced at the end of term. Year 2 also enjoyed their time in the Library being helped by Year 6 Librarians to select suitable books.

Year 1 have enjoyed being outside this week to practise using the cup and ball toys they had made in DT. Jiya and Kimaya were also very observant and rose to the challenge set in assembly to try to find straight lines in nature. We did not think this was possible but they spotted some in the Botanical Gardens.

On Thursday evening many girls and parents in Year 5 enjoyed a tour of Senior School and came back having clearly enjoyed finding out more about life ahead.

We ended the week with our Celebration Assembly. We congratulated our ESSA swimmers who performed extremely well in the National relay finals last weekend.  They finished fifth in the country in the freestyle relay and eleventh in the medley relay. We are very proud of their achievement.  Individual congratulations were given to Zoe who danced in the V.I.P. freestyle dance competition at the famous Tower Ballroom in Blackpool.  Having taken part in a number of qualifying rounds against over 80 dancers Zoe reached two finals and came second in the slow routine and fourth in the fast.  A great achievement earning her two impressive trophies.

Other individual awards were presented to Zara who gained several ‘I’m a Sporty Star’ certificates, medals and a trophy. Ellise took part in the City of Birmingham Open Meet and was placed first and second and was presented with her medals. Jashvita was acknowledged for taking part in the La French Pop Video Competition with a song called ‘Mon Chien’ which she had composed herself.  Inaya fully deserved her Challenge Board award for her book called ‘The Tale of the Dog and the Frog’ produced using computing skills.

The results of the most recent House Competitions were also announced. These were all based on women in STEM careers. Several Houses chose to focus on women with careers in Computing, past and present and other girls were challenged to design a machine that could help with homework which we think would sell well. Congratulations to our winners: Curie House winner was Tilly, Frank House winner was Sofia, Johnson House winner was Jashvita and Nightingale competition was won by Reyhaneh. Well done to everyone for the entries and enthusiasm.

Mrs Sally Hartley
Head of Preparatory School

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