Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

This Week in Westbourne


07 June 2024

This week in Nursery, girls have been learning about minibeasts. They used marbles in silver paint to recreate the trails that snails leave and a salad spinner to create beautiful patterns on our snail shells. They helped strengthen their fingers and develop fine motor skills by threading cheerios onto pipe cleaners to make wriggly worms, they used their Peter Pointer finger to paint different minibeasts, threaded using a needle and wool to make ladybirds and we used scissors to follow the path of the insects to their homes.

They also had lots of fun in the outdoor classroom where they used magnifying glasses to hunt for the minibeasts they had been learning about.

The focus for Kindergarten this week has been ‘w’.  To start the week they looked carefully at worms, talking about length and comparing the size of a selection of toy worms. They then carefully cut worms out and reordered them starting with the shortest, all the way to the longest. They wrote about worms and talked about where we may find them hiding. Girls have also been looking at the weather and they have been able to talk about a wide range seeing as this week it has been sunny, warm, cold, windy, rainy, cloudy and dry! Children have also discussed weddings and celebrations and have enjoyed talking about pictures that they have seen of weddings. The highlight of the week was their visit to the Sea Life Centre as part of their work about under water!

Reception girls had a wonderful treat on their first day back after half term as they had a visit from two adorable Guinea Pigs called Daisy and Beanie.  Tula and her friend Lauren returned to Westbourne to talk to the Reception pupils.  The guinea pigs were very well behaved and this allowed the girls to engage with them and learn about their behaviour and care.  They also found out about the guinea pig's diet and how they communicated with each other.  

We have some budding writers in Reception and this week was no exception. Girls were encouraged to use descriptive language and compose full sentences whilst writing about two pictures. The pictures were of a park scene and a beach. Some of the examples were:

"I can see an octopus, it is on the sand and it has eight tentacles."
"I can see a duck with feathers."

We have continued on our mathematics journey by revising numbers up to 20 and learning about repeating patterns. We have also had some superstar mathematicians who impressively wrote numbers up to 100! Writing numbers up to 100 is a lengthy task for five year olds but they showed impressive determination to complete the challenge.   

In the Outdoor Area, pupils took the musical instruments outside and sang some of their favourite songs. This has been a great start to their last half term in Reception. Well done, girls. 

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