Friday Headlines
the weekly newsletter from EHS
What's on in Westbourne
18 March 2022
In the Discovery Den, in celebration of National Learn About Butterflies Day on 14 March the girls in Nursery, Kindergarten and Reception have been studying butterflies.They have looked at the life cycle of a butterfly using a range of resources, including some sensory play and the story of the very hungry caterpillar, understanding the process it takes to become a butterfly. It is a favourite story and they have enjoyed retelling it using puppets. The symmetry of the butterfly has been a topic too, with the girls creating their own butterflies by using paint on one side, then folding the paper in half. The girls have extended their learning further by studying the science behind making a butterfly fly and labelling the parts of a butterfly.
Activities in Nursery this week have been based on the nursery rhyme The Grand Old Duke of York. Girls have been taking it in turns to give the instructions with lots of marching! They have a good understanding of up and down and what makes a set of scales do this. The girls took the cars to the slope. They looked at how easy it was for the car to go down hill, but they needed a little bit of help to go up hill, as it was harder.
The letter ‘l’ has provided a focus for learning in Kindergarten. They have looked at length comparing long and short items in the classroom. Other activities have included looking at ladybirds and their spots, lions and making lollipop stick shapes. They have made and tasted lemonade and made a lemon volcano. Lemons helped in Mathematics too as the girls found one more and one less. As part of PSED the girls thought about who they loved and why.
Reception girls made the most of the lovely spring sunshine on Monday and went for a stroll around the Botanical Gardens. They were on a mission to look for signs of spring. They looked at all the flowers in bloom, including daffodils, crocuses and snowdrops and the buds on the trees. There was even time to run up and down the hills and play games with their friends.
The next day they wrote all about their trip in Creative Writing. In their free play time, girls have been very creative by making little stick people out of wooden ice cream spoons! They even used collage feathers to dress their little dolls. On Wednesday, girls worked in pairs to discuss and design a miniature garden. Some of the finished results were amazing featuring ponds, paths, flowers, blossom and even 3D trees.
What's on in Westbourne
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