Friday Headlines

the weekly newsletter from EHS

World Book Day Celebrations


08 March 2024

Books and reading are seen as being very important throughout the year in the Prep School and the girls from Nursery to Year 6 enjoy visiting our two libraries and devouring the books in their classrooms.  We also enjoy celebrating World Book Day each year with thousands of other people across the world.

This year was no exception and it was a very exciting Thursday morning in Westbourne as girls were asked to mark the day by dressing up. Reception girls were given the task of dressing up using the book The Enormous Turnip for inspiration. It was lovely to see so many children being creative and dressing up using clothes and items they already had at home, with many dogs, cats, mice and turnips!   

Nursery girls looked fabulous, and scary, in their pirate costumes as they focused on the story Ten Little Pirates. They enjoyed burying treasure in their sand pit, exploring slime in their water tray with their large pirate ship and making headbands to enhance their outfits!  They also enjoyed challenging visitors to the Nursery with pirate voices and cutlasses.

Kindergarten took the theme of Kitchen Disco and all came to school dressed as their favourite fruit. There were bananas, strawberries, pineapples and tangerines to name just a few. It was lovely that Kindergarten parents were able to join us for the morning to take part in all our fruity activities in the classrooms. The girls definitely enjoyed making a fruit salad, fruit characters, collage pictures and writing about their favourite fruits. The morning ended with Mrs Hartley reading Kitchen Disco to both children and their parents. 

In the Prep School, the girls were tasked with decorating wooden spoons as book characters and they came up with some fantastic results using a wide range of materials as embellishments. We were most impressed by the girls’ creativity.  

Year 3 also joined in with the live CBBC lesson in their classrooms to celebrate with other children in the country.

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